Amalia, D. 2020. HUBUNGAN RIWAYAT PEMBERIAN ASI EKSLUSIF, KELENGKAPAN IMUNISASI DASAR, DAN DURASI SAKIT TERHADAP STATUS GIZI BALITA DARI IBU PEKERJA PABRIK di KECAMATAN GROGOL KABUPATEN SUKOHARJO: The Correlation Between History of Exclusive Breastfeeding, Completeness of Immunization, Duration of Illness, with The Nutritional Status of Toddlers from Factory Workers Mother in Grogol, Sukoharjo. Jurnal Teras Kesehatan. 3, 2 (Jul. 2020), 1–9. DOI:https://doi.org/10.38215/jutek.v3i1.34.