Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Komunikasi, Motivasi terhadap Kinerja

Influence of Leadership, Communication, and Motivation on Performance


  • Tri Listiani Politeknik Al Islam Bandung



The method employed in this research are survey descriptive and survey explanatory, that
measured the relation and effect among research variables dan study the hypotesis which
have been formulated first. Data analysis used path analysis, and the model of this path
diagram shall always use a double headed arrow to denote a correlation, indicating the
symmetrical nature of a correlation. In tracing the paths of a diagram, a double-headed
curve may be used in either direction (from leadership to communication, or from
communication to leadership). Leadership and communication contributes to the the
determination of work motivation, and work motivation gives to the determination of
employee’s performance.
Research findings shows that the total effect of leadership, communication and work
motivation on employees’ performance accounts for 0,563, and statistically significant. The
direct effect of other variable on employees’ peformance account for 0,437, the result
0,437says that the effect of other variabel on employees’ performance is moderate. These
variable was not investigated in this research, but theoretecally influenced employees’
performance, that is ability of leader to achieve superior performance. The effect of
leadership to motivation account for 0,442, and the influence of communication to
motivation account for 0,517. Both of path coefficient from leadership and communication
to motivation statistically significant.Beside leadership and communication which
influenced motivation the others variable that affected motivation are the employees
involving in decision making process,and job satisfaction. These variable account for
0,483, the result 0,483 says that thr effect on motivation is moderate.The leadership and
communication corelation statistically significant


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How to Cite

Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Komunikasi, Motivasi terhadap Kinerja: Influence of Leadership, Communication, and Motivation on Performance. (2018). Jurnal Teras Kesehatan, 1(1), 55-62.