Author Guideline
Registration and login are required to submit manuscripts online and to check the status of current submissions. The submitted manuscripts must be written based on the Journal's Template which can be found on this web.
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After you have finished reading this Author guideline, please download the Copyright Agreement and authorship statement in the Integrated Author’s Form. Please sign and submit the form as a part of your initial article submission. The Copyright Agreement and authorship statement must be submitted before the article can be published
General Information
Manuscripts must be original and have not been published previously in any scientific journal or are not being submitted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted to any media during the review process unless the authors have officially withdrawn the manuscripts from JURNAL TERAS KESEHATAN.
The topics of manuscripts submitted to JTKes have to be research topics that have no conflict with bioethical research.
Jurnal Teras Kesehatan is a peer-reviewed quarterly scientific publication journal accepting original research articles relevant to the field of Hospital Administration (Administrasi Rumah Sakit), Radiology (Radiologi), Speech and Language Pathology (Terapi wicara) dan other health issues including health education. The journal publishes articles twice a year, i.e. January and July.
- Article writing The manuscripts, in the form of Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx), should not exceed 10 pages including embedded figures and tables without any appendix. It should be written with word processing software on A4 size papers with the margins of top 4 cm; left 3 cm; right 2,5 cm; and bottom 2,5 cm. Please follow the rules regarding font size, type, spacing, and style as used in the template.
- The Title. The title page contains the title of the article, the Author's name and affiliation, affiliation address, and author’s email. The title of the article should be brief and clear. English title should not be more than 140 characters and Indonesian title should not be more than 14 words or 200 characters. The title is written using Times New Roman 16, bold, single space, and center-aligned.
- Abstract. The abstract is a 150- to 250-word paragraph using Times New Roman of 11pt and single-spaced, that provides readers the essence of the article covering a brief background, objectives, methods, and results or findings of the study.
- Keywords. Keywords are 3-5 words/phrases written in Indonesian and English languages with the font of Times New Roman 11 and consist of important words/phrases from the article. Title, Abstract, and Keywords must be written bilingually. However, if none of the Authors is a native Indonesian speaker, you are allowed to leave all Indonesian parts blank.
- The Body of Article. The body of the article should be in one column written in Times New Roman font of 11, Justify alignment, and without indent. The body of the article should encompass:
- Introduction. It states adequate background, issues, objectives, and literature review. It also explains how you address the problem, and clearly states the aims of your study. However, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results is a must.
- Method. Jurnal TERAS Kesehatan is a scientific journal, so the method used in the manuscripts is the scientific method in the forms of literature study, observation, surveys, interviews, Focus Group Discussion, system testing or simulation, and other techniques commonly used in the world of research. It is also recommended to describe the analysis techniques of the research briefly and clearly so that the reader can easily understand.
- Results and Discussion. Results should be clear and concise, and not be in the form of raw data. Meanwhile, a discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work and is not a repetition of the study results. In this section, authors should avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Jurnal TERAS Kesehatan will do the final formatting of your paper.
- Conclusion. The conclusion should lead the readers to the important matter of the paper. Authors are allowed to include suggestions or recommendations in this section. The conclusion, suggestion, and/or recommendation are narratively written by avoiding bulleting and numbering usage.
- Acknowledgments. It is highly recommended to acknowledge a person and/or organization helping the author(s) in many ways. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments should be included in this section. Should you have lots of parties to be acknowledged, state your acknowledgments only in one paragraph and avoid using bulleting and numbering in this section.
- The bibliography must be written in APA-Style format and it is highly recommended to use a reference manager application such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, etc.
- Reference must be relevant, and up-to-date, and at least 50% are primary references (accredited journals, international journals, theses, dissertations). The reference update shown by a minimum of 70% of the bibliography is the issue of the last ten years. When references are obtained from the internet, it is not allowed to cite from Wikipedia, personal blog, or non-scientific website. the website must be reliable.