
Peer Reviewers

Jurnal Teras Kesehatan uses an online submission and a review system. The submission and peer review of every manuscript must be managed using the system and based on following Peer Review Policy. 

The submitted manuscript is first checked by an editor, whether it is suitable with our focus and scope. An editorial assistant will check whether the requirements are complete. Authors will be given two weeks after a notification is sent to complete the incomplete requirements. Every submitted manuscript passing this step will be reviewed at least by two independent reviewers. The manuscript will be sent to the reviewers anonymously. Reviewers’ comments are then sent to the Editorial Board to take the necessary actions and responses (double-blind peer-review). The decision of the revised manuscript will be then evaluated in an editorial board meeting, and the final decision will be sent to the corresponding author. The accepted manuscript will be checked by a copyeditor for language editing.

Rizqy Dimas Monica, M.Kes ( 0000-0002-1463-4800) Politeknik TEDC Bandung

Rini Shintawati, S.Si., MBS  (Scopus ID 56845653400) (Politeknik Al Islam Bandung)

Santi Komaladini, A.Md. TW., M.Pd (Scopus ID 57221636191) (Politeknik Al Islam Bandung)

Dr. Gunardi, SE., MM., C.FTax,  (Scopus ID 21100920227) (ORCID ID 0000-0003-0391-7618) (Politeknik Pajajaran ICB Bandung)

Leni Herfiyanti, S.ST., M.M., MOS  (ORCID ID 0000-0001-5494-6991) (Politeknik Al Islam Bandung)

Sitti Nurrachmah (Politeknik LP3I)

Rexsy Taruna,S.Tr.Kes., M.Psi (ORCID ID 0000-0003-1873-5753(Fakultas Kesehatan dan Sains Universitas MERCUBAKTIJAYA)

Lisa Fonisha, S.Tr.Rad., M.Tr.ID  (ATRO Bogor)