Journal History

Jurnal Teras Kesehatan is an open-access scientific journal published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Politeknik Al Islam Bandung since June 2018. The journal focuses on publishing original articles, case reports, and literature reviews in January and July with ISSN: 2622-3805 for the Online version and ISSN: 2622-2396 for the printed version.

We welcome manuscripts relevant to Hospital Administration, Radiology, Speech Pathology, Health Education, and Applied Health Science. All submitted manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication.

Jurnal Teras Kesehatan has been accredited by the National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia trough a decree No. 177/E/KPT/2024, October 15, 2024, with a Fourth Grade (SINTA 4) accreditation.

In addition, Jurnal Teras Kesehatan has been indexed by  Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, ISJD, Crossref, and Indonesia One Search, as well as SINTA (Science and Technology Indexed) score of 4.

Revision history:

Since Volume 2 no.1 of January 2019, the DOI number has been added to the letterhead for the online version; since Volume 5 no.2 of July 2022, the DOI number was also included in the printed version's letterhead, and the bibliography rules were revised to require a minimum of 15 references.

Another notable change was the adjustment of the journal's numbering system on October 24, 2022. Based on recommendations during the accreditation process, Volume 1 No. 2, which was published in July 2018, was renumbered as Volume 2 No. 1. Subsequent issues have continued with this adjusted volume and numbering sequence.

Starting in 2025, Jurnal Teras Kesehatan will increase the number of articles published in each issue to 10 articles. This adjustment aims to enhance the journal's capacity to accommodate a broader range of valuable research contributions in the fields of Hospital Administration, Radiology, Speech Pathology, Health Education, and Applied Health Science.

"Since 2025, the Article Template has changed the header. The change includes replacing the text 'Jurnal Teras Kesehatan' with the 'JTKes' logo. The second change is the inclusion of a Copyright © Notice on the last page of the article."