Relevance of Palpation in Radiographic Examination


  • Sukandar Avianto Politeknik Al Islam Bandung



Law, Palpation, Radiographic examinations


In abdomen, kidney ureter blader, Vertebrae Lumbo Sacral and sacrum radiograph
examination the technicians must determine organ border for determine center point
all radiograph examination, and for sure that border are correct place, the
radiographer must doing palpation on the organ which is determined, the palpation
must doing because some organ which is determined are covered by the patient’s
clothes when patient’s change their examination clotches, some palpation activity
carried out by the radiographer very likely subject to legal provisions by article 335
Indonesian criminal law about the actions of others is not pleasant, especially if the
radiographer does not have an operational standard procedure about palpation in
doing radiograph examination. Researcher use qualitative research method with the
aim of explaining how to make boundaries in radiographic examination without
palpation and conduct a review of the relevance of palpation activities in radiological
examinations.The result of the study show the way radiographers carry out
radiographic examination without palpating namely by verbal means, where the
radiographers asks the patient with good and polite words to show and suppress the
body part that radiographer wants to be pointed or pressed by the patient’s finger
themselves and the relevance of the palpation activity can not be left to non
cooperative patients or patients who do not be aware of. For cooperative patients
palpation activity should be clearly written in the standard radiographic examination


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How to Cite

RELEVANSI PALPASI DALAM PEMERIKSAAN RADIOGRAFI: Relevance of Palpation in Radiographic Examination. (2019). Jurnal Teras Kesehatan, 2(2), 44-50.