Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Perilaku Perawat Dalam Pemilahan Limbah Medis Di RS Al Islam Bandung

Factors influencing Nurses Behavior in Sorting Medical Waste at Al Islam Hospital


  • Surdiyah Asriningrum Politeknik Al Islam Bandung




behaviour intention, social support, accessebility of information, personal autonomy, action situation


The separation of medical waste in Al Islam Hospital Bandung can not be
fully implemented, it is based on the result of compliance value in waste
segregation in 2016 which done by Household Sector and PSPPRS
(Maintenance of Facilities and Infrastructure and Hospital Equipment)
obtained 88,37%. This study aims to know, describe and analyze the
influence of intention, social support, health information or health
facilities, personal autonomy and the situation to act simultaneously on
the behavior of nurses. The population of this research is 465 nurse
which 40 sample taken using proportional random sampling technique.
Data collecting instrumentusing quetionwith likert scale from various
theory and form it into operation variable, which validity and reliable
test taken to define the original of instrument form. The result statistik
analysis showed that the correlation betwen intention (X1) = -11%,
social support (X2) = 0,31%, health information or health facility (X3) =
1,1%, personal autonomy (X4) = -0,01% and situation to act (X5) =
0,003%, that variable has a positif relation in influencing behavior
change of nurse.


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How to Cite

Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Perilaku Perawat Dalam Pemilahan Limbah Medis Di RS Al Islam Bandung: Factors influencing Nurses Behavior in Sorting Medical Waste at Al Islam Hospital. (2018). Jurnal Teras Kesehatan, 1(1), 39-54. https://doi.org/10.38215/jutek.v1i1.23

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